Etiquette mistakes to avoid

Etiquette mistakes to avoid


We may think that our manners are impeccable, but there can always be something that does not show us in the most favourable light or even causes real embarrassment. Here are tips on how to correct the most common mistakes. 

Never shake hands while sitting

Never shake hands while sitting

It seems that the handshake has already been more or less sorted out, this method of greeting has long been used by both men and women. What to do in a situation of different status, age or gender, who is the first to reach out to whom – there are no questions. Meanwhile, a miss quite often occurs when one of the greeting partners is sitting and the other is not. The rule is very simple: if you are sitting at the table, and someone is heading towards you with a clear desire to please you with a strong handshake, be sure to stand up. Does not matter whether you are playing on the 20Bet Casino or doing something urgent, make sure to meet a person. Gender in this case does not play any role at all. 

Honoured guest at an official reception

Official events are such a serious matter that respectable businessmen and other public people have a special manager in their house who makes sure that all guests are seated according to their rank. So, at your serious event, there is a very important person – where to place a person? The guest of honour of the event always sits to the right of the hostess or host of the event. 

Should I wish you a “bon appetit”?

We have been accustomed to this phrase since childhood, it is as natural as “health is in order – thanks to exercise”. Meanwhile, this wish for a good appetite has migrated to us from the French language – to be more precise, it is pure tracing paper. How are things in France itself and why do etiquette experts advise against using this seemingly harmless expression? The French don’t actually say much Bon Appétit, preferring the expression “Enjoy your meal”. To wish pleasure is still considered quite appropriate.

How to properly hold a glass

How to properly hold a glass

In all decent restaurants, there is a glass on the table – sometimes several. Wine or water is poured into it, and they are taken with them during receptions at presentations or, say, during the opening of exhibitions. The question that probably haunts a lot of people is how to keep a glass on a leg – maybe by the sides? Regardless of what exactly is splashing in your glass – wine or water – there is only one truth. If there is a leg, you need to hold the glass for it.

What to do with a napkin after eating

Since we already drank the wine, ate the soup, and the dessert was excellent, we can probably do something else after leaving the restaurant. How about a napkin? What to do with it? Fold, crumple, leave on a chair? After you have finished eating, the napkin should be folded in half to the left of the plate. Then the waiter will definitely understand that you are ready to leave the table.

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